1971-1972 A New Organization

Any photos from Lake Swan are mixed in with the 1970s. From the documents below, it appears that there was no camp program in 1971. After a series of meetings, Lake Swan was announced as the location for a summer youth program in 1972.


A second meeting was held at the Hiawassa Hills Chapel in Orlando, Florida regarding the possibility of forming a new Youth Camp Program for various activities of the Assemblies of Florida. (September 25, 1971)

To my knowledge, only five men present at this meeting remain alive today: Wendell McGregor, Charlie Lacy, Phil Guikema, Jerry Simmons and Jerry Landis. (February 2025) Of these, only Wendell McGregor remains from the original steering committee.

A third meeting was held at Park of the Palms on October 21, 1971, and a fourth meeting was scheduled for October 30, 1971. The minutes from the first and fourth meetings have not been located.

This letter was dated February 10, 1972. This announced the formation of the new corporation. Florida Articles of Incorporation were filed by the end of 1971.

The following is an excerpt from the Corporate Meeting -April 15, 1972

  • 1.       Tax exempt status has been applied for.
  • 2.       The Board of Directors have met on several occasions to get a program started for this year as well as look at various properties for consideration of purchasing.  However, at this point, no property is under consideration.
  • 3.       Dates for the summer program this year at lake Swan in Melores, Fla, is July 8 thru 29, (1972)

Ted Thisse reported that assemblies in general have been very receptive to his visiting and showing slides concerning the Camp scheduled this year.  Ted also expressed the urgent need for Counselors. 

The year ended with the General Corporate Meeting on October 28, 1972 at Hiawassa Hills Chapel (now Hiawassa Bible Chapel). Ted Thisse reported seventy professions of faith that summer!

The original Board of Directors included:


 Paul Barnard                                 Chairman

 Wendell McGregor                    Vice Chairman

 Keith Dilley                                     Secretary

 Ted Thisse                                     Camp Director

 Charles Lacy

 Ernest McCartney

And so, Evangelistic Horizons Unlimited, Inc – Camp Horizon was born. The first summer of the new organization was 1972.